African Beauty

African Beauty
mixed medium using African fabrics

Travel to Art Scape, Baltimore, Maryland

Art Scape is a 3 day art festival held in Baltimore, Maryland every summer. This year's dates are July 18, 19 and 20th, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.It is held down town near the Maryland Institute of Art in the Mount Royal area and it is a blast to attend. This year I am staying at a bed and breakfast in Bolton Hill, called Phoenix Risin. I hope to give out information on Miss Jimmy's to the many artists I will meet and enjoy the sights and sounds of the festival.
Currently a dance teacher is staying at Miss Jimmy's until August. Very happily staying, may I add!
My very first "sculpture" for the yard is nearly finished, I believe it will be the strangest sculpture in Anguilla. But it was great fun working on it. It is a 6'man, a concrete structure embedded with all sorts of tools and metal abjects that I found in the yard and buried in the dirt around the house. These were the "artifacts", so I call the man "Art E. Facts". He has aliases, Frank N. Stein, Tool Man, and Pot Head. He's a sight to behold!