I am delinquent, maybe the world's worst blogger. I am reappearing with new resolve to change my delinquent ways and beat the drum again for Miss Jimmy's Artist Retreat, Anguilla, and a way of life that surely artists can enjoy.
I have a dual life as an artist, since I am foremost a quilter. Very strange to be making quilts on a tropical island? Yes, and no. Our visitors are often from the northern climates and enjoy taking back a colorful, warm quilt that reminds them of their visit. I sell from the Estate Hope Art Studio, which is located in my home on Crocus Hill. I am a passionate, prolific quilter and use every and all fabrics known to mankind. (Maybe a slight exaggeration.)This week it has been African fabrics. There's nothing like the real thing!
Miss Jimmy's, on the other hand, is our other house, a stone's throw away, actually a 2 minute drive or a 10 minute walk, and is devoted to giving artists a place to live, work and play while here. Alot of my guests have been visitors to the studio and so far word of mouth has worked very well in renting Miss Jimmy's.
Unlike other retreats, this one does not involve any teaching. It is a retreat from the ordinary, a place to soak up sun, sand, and a colorful island culture. A place where you can spill turpentine without worrying.
Our guests have been fine artists, writers, dancers, photographers, and musicians. We don't draw a line on art!
Quilters would be just as welcome, and a sewing machine can be provided for your use as well. Fiber artists, explore using coconut fiber! Go to the beach every day, then drag stuff back to Miss Jimmy's and paste and glue and sew or whatever it is you do. The idea is to explore the island, be inspired by the beauty here and then make stuff.
Miss Jimmy's is a creation too, and always in progress. I vow to blog about it frequently and stop my delinquent ways!
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